My name is William Baker. I have created this website in conjunction with my book Proving God Proving Jesus (available at as a paperback or kindle ebook). I want to help the person trying to answer the question of whether God is real and more specifically whether Jesus is God. I struggled so long to find the answer to that question and the Lord has put on my heart to help those searching for the answer.
I am a retired CPA who was raised as a Catholic. As an adult I lost my faith in Jesus who I came to regard as a myth. I always wanted to believe, but you can’t trick your mind into accepting a lie. It wasn’t until later in life that I found the answers that have convinced me that Jesus is real, is God and is alive.
It took me years – decades – to realize my belief system (worldview) had been built upon a lot of flawed data. We all make decisions on what to trust without realizing how much may be inaccurate information or merely another person’s bias. My journey to faith required an examination of what formed my belief system, which included an evaluation of the sources of information that I had trusted.
My book is designed to answer the God question in a concise manner while providing references for deeper research for the person inclined to do so.
My proof of God revolves around the following steps:
- Understanding the source of your worldview about God
- Realizing atheism has no support and that it’s primary pillar – Darwin’s theory of evolution – is not supported by the scientific facts
- Science does provide evidence of God
- Archaeology does support the accuracy of the Bible
- The Bible is supernatural. It tells the future in advance. There is no other book like it.
- The scientific evidence supports the Shroud of Turin as the burial shroud of Jesus. It is a photo of Him at the moment of His resurrection and is supernatural.
My book revolves around all of these themes. You have a choice.
- You can believe in the Darwin lie. Some scientists now see the flaws in Darwin’s theory but don’t want to believe in God. So they have created the idea that we owe our existence to aliens without questioning who created the aliens.
- Believe in Jesus as God. The evidence is overwhelming.
See the Summary page under Blog. This section comes from my book and is designed to be an overview of the evidence.